Google Domains and the Squarespace Deal - Highlights
I had several sites whose domain name server (DNS) records and domain registration billing had a lot to do with Google Domains. It was a beta project when I first encountered this user-friendly, straightforward, and fast DNS ecosystem that would get immediately verified by the Google Search Console (GSC). While I have enjoyed the freedom to create a hundred domains per domain name registration, Squarespace is about to take over Google Domains in a deal that the world's top search and ad network provider identifies as helpful in sharpening their business focus. In an article on Mashable about what Sqaurespace's Google Domains deal means for the site owners , I came across a site documenting the history of all the projects that Google has put aside or shut down. At the time of writing this, i.e., 29 August 2023, 01:45 PM, IST, the entry on this website discussing this domain registrar switch ranked first, as depicted in the following screenshot. Image 1 - The list of proj...