
Showing posts from November, 2020
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Separate Your Satisfaction from the Immediate External Events

Happiness, joy, pleasure, and fun. They may or may not belong to external factors. Anyway, it doesn't change anything that much for you. Your daily life stays the same. You seek Satisfaction . You need to do something every day. Else, it gets boring. And you experience all the bittersweet life events. Some aspects are too dark. Yet, relatable. Your limited lifespan  isn't a definite number. Table of Contents ≡ Why seek Everlasting Satisfaction? Your Happiness as a State of Mind and Coping up with Your Reality Being Satisfied with Who You Are Is Satisfaction only a Chemical Reaction? Research of Joy is Never 'Final' No Method is 'Perfect' or 'Accurate'... Ever [ counting Completeness ] Detachment: Temporary Delight amid the External 'Noise' ...

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