
Showing posts from December, 2020
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Success Looks Different to Everyone

Yes, the concept of Success or "being successful in your life" is sweet. And your satisfaction levels matter a lot. But these words do not have the same meaning for each person. So, everyone tries to define them. As such, the definitions vary. In fact, this post explores the different methods of understanding how and why success looks different to everyone.  As you shall see, we all have many options for making our own theories. And the list of the main indicators related to this sense of achievement is available below. Remember that you are free to form your stance on this subject matter. Thus, this article should handle this discussion using the most relatable examples. Let's begin this article with an image that might be interesting to you. Of course, the following picture is confusing. But it is a funny way of summarising the points you will encounter here. Picture 1. Diffe...

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