
Showing posts from January, 2023
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Steve Jobs’ Speech at Stanford University - Most Inspiring Quotes

Yes. I will always remember Steve Jobs' commencement speech at Stanford in 2005. Let me paraphrase a part of his speech in the following few lines. Death is the best reminder of the value of life. Stand in front of the mirror, and ask yourself, "If I were to die today, what would I want to do/change as my last act?" And if the answer is no in a row, I know that I need to change something . A broken hourglass illustrates how fragile our life is. By Twitter/ akp51v . All the best, everyone, with Financial Planning. Will our generation be able to retire? Thus, I would rather avoid the words like 'Retirement Planning.' Stay safe, and be grateful that you can breathe, eat, sleep and smile. Thanks to Stanford University, the video featuring Jobs' speech on YouTube is available at . [Akp51v have last rewatched and verified this video on 25 January 2023] The opening of this written piece is my comment on a LinkedIn...

Don't Forget to Revisit